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Rendezvous with Technology and Creativity, Ricoh Software
Development Team for Profound Solutions


Ricoh India has technical expertise across a wide variety of technologies, environments and platforms and always endeavoring to provide a completely honest expert opinion which will meet the customer’s requirements and fit in seamlessly into their business structure.

But technical expertise alone cannot suffice in helping you gather your customer’s requirement properly. Adequate business domain expertise is as necessary as technical knowhow so to best understand customer’s needs and design solution which best fits their business objectives.

Ricoh has technology experts for all the major technologies, environments and platforms that there are. ASP.Net, C#, JavaScript, JQuery, MVC Framework, HTML, PhP, Kendo, Google API’s, Microsoft, Android among others.

The Development team has a total industry experience of 1, 25,352 hours, which is just over fourteen years, in working with the latest technologies and platforms. Besides, our Product team is equally adept at working as consultants to your organization, understanding your requirements, suggesting the most techno-commercially best solution.

Business domain expertise is as important as technical knowledge and hence Ricoh has brought on board specialists who have extensive knowhow of their relevant business domain. This puts them in an ideal position with the customer to understand the requirement, relate to it and finally suggest the appropriate solution for the same.

Some of the business domains that we have expertise in are Banking and Finance, Insurance, Government, Education, Healthcare and Manufacturing. We have already customers from all the above mentioned domains having catered to their exact requirements in the most economic fashion. Hence, Ricoh has emerged as a very reliable and trusted partner for most organizations for software development requirements having already established their reputation in the field through quality work over the past five years.

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